Product Feature: Quanum Trifecta Mini Foldable Tricopter Frame


Increasingly in the world of photography size seems to matter. With the popularity of the mirror less camera market and the fact that everything seems to be getting lighter and thinner the question will inevitably need to me answered. Why not my drone? Quite sometime ago a model called the Pocket Drone from Airdroids was announced but it sees to be in perpetual state development. However if you give the Chinese a little time they will make one faster and cheaper than anyone can. The Quanum Trifecta (love the name) is a foldable 300mm tricopter that will take both the Mobius and GoPro cameras right out of the box. This frame is only $29 and even includes a built in PDB (Power Distribution Board).

This is one that could fit just nicely in your camera bag right next to your 70-200 f2.8.


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